Sharing my takeaways from the 5-day Habit Power Challenge. Reset New Habits for a New Time.
Habits are 'Everything'. They transform our lives and in many ways make us who we are. But despite this significance, we were never taught exactly how to build good habits.
“Habits are formed by the repetition of particular acts. They are strengthened by an increase in the number of repeated acts. Habits are also weakened or broken, and contrary habits are formed by the repetition of contrary acts.” - Mortimer J. Adler
Recently I went through a five-day challenge of 'Habit Change'. It sounded so unreal before I enrolled myself in the program. Later, I was enlight
ened by the program on how habit power is more intense than 'Willpower'. Habits are the root causes of what we are now, the very early age of teaching good habits will enhance the lifestyle and influence to reach our destiny or goals.
Our brain registers those young habits and reflects throughout life that help us to grow in an organized manner and to live some clutter-free life.
Example: Habiting a child to wake up early at 5:30 am, will remain a lifetime habit.
Example: One of my close friend started habiting her son feeding milk without sugar, it became a life-saving habit of the boy.
The program endured
Day-1: Cultivate your Habit Power:
Day-2: How to break a bad habit:
Day-3: The Habits that create great days:
Day-4: Self-investment is everything:
Day-5: 3 Habits of Successful people:
Let`s jump into the Insight
Day one totally started with a ton of excitement and enthusiasm to know about the deliverable`s. The program began with a ten-minute meditation process. And dragged to the core intention of cultivating new habits.
Selected a long unsettled habit to cultivate, and to search for the strong reason.
We keep posing questions to people, but we ignore to question ourselves, like why?What? How? Where? When? and Who? so let us ask these questions now.

Call to Action: Day-1: Cultivate your Habit Power.
Why do we want the habit? To determine this, one should need a strong and grounded reason 'why' we need a particular habit. We must ask so deep, touching your emotions into the core and find out the exact reasons 'Why'. And the 'why' has to work as a catalyst to take action and should identify the hurdles that stop you from the action. Think like a judge and a lawyer in your head and ask the strongest reason 'why' to win your case to the judge. So finding your 'Why' is an extremely important action part.
Example: I want to start a habit - Meditation.
Find your why: To get more inner peace, well-being, and happiness.
What is the specificity of the habit? What is so important is what the actual habit to change, what you are going to do to achieve the specific habit to implement. It must be a systemic approach because the system builds success and randomness builds regret.
Example: I want to eat healthily.
Find your What? What is healthily eating? What are you adding to your diet, to eat healthily? What you are eliminating from your diet, to eat healthily? Be specific in your what.
How are you going to make the habit? Make an e-list of the possibilities. How? Identify the perfect possibility of applying.
Example: I want to wake up early.
Find your How? How will you do that? Find ways to sleep early, set an alarm, make sure you eat early, sleep early, to rise early. Adjust the schedule to rise on weekdays at 5 am. weekends at 7 am.
Where are you going to build this habit? Where to schedule to continue the habit? Planning a place is much more important than not distracting ourselves easily.
Example: I want to exercise daily.
Find your where? Where you want to exercise, in the gym or at home?
When are you going to do? Give a particular timing to do the activity or the habit you want to develop so that it sticks with you. It makes you recall your activity.
Example: I want to exercise daily.
Find your when? Be specific when are you comfortable exercising, before work or after work?
Who is going to help keep you accountable? A habit needs accountability not to let them slip away from us. Or to withhold the commitment for a very long time until it has been a regular practice.
Example: I wanted to have only a veg diet when we moved to restaurants.
Find your Who. Telling the same with some close friends whom we move often. Tell your family, colleagues, community, etc.
Writing is much more valuable than remembering, Awareness is not the same thing as an action so start writing it on to paper.
Call to Action: Day-2: How to break a bad habit.
We are in charge of ourselves, but sometimes things can get a little tricky. The working of the mind is like a chariot being driven by five horses. The chariot is the body, the horses are our five senses, the reins are the mind, and our intellect is what`s steering it all.
Without proper direction, our senses can override our minds and intellect. This is what it`s like to let a bad habit rule you.
A bad habit forms when something that attracts us becomes addictive and creates a destructive attachment. The solution is found by avoiding the places, people, and projects that trigger this bad habit.
How to break a Bad habit?
Research. Become aware of the reasons why you should change. If you want to avoid or not get attracted to it. Remove it from your routine, truly stop that object that overriding your senses.
Example: I want to stop watching 'Netflix'
CTA- Unsubscribe Netflix from your play store, Put a strong Pass-word not to remember again. Stop subscribing again and again.
Reward. Understand the reward that is going to be given to you from the absence of this habit makes us feel good.
Example: No longer I can crave to watch Netflix, I can stop being a binge-watcher So that I invest the same time into more potential ways and to discover the new shades of my abilities.
Replace. Allow a new proactive habit to step in. By replacing a new good habit with bad habit, the purpose is solved.
Example: Instead of watching Netflix, I will start a habit of writing/reading.
Letting go is hard, but holding is harder. We hold onto bad habits and they hold onto us. But no matter how strong a bad habit maybe, you are always stronger.
Call to Action: Day-3: The Habits that create great days:
Stop waiting, wishing, and hoping for a good day. Create your own great day. Learn the specific habits you need to create intentional routines. Make the morning routine a powerful one like a bulletproof vest, to set up our own day. Let any situation come over and over, but welcome all the odds and ends equally.
The four habits create a beautiful morning routine and give you the TIME to Grow.
Thankfulness: Start your day sharing your gratitude to people who added value to your life till now. Be personal and specific through text, message, email, voice, video anything but start your day sharing a memory or incident to have a deeper connection.
Inspiration: Chase beautiful things that inspire you daily. Get inspired when you lost, demotivated, covered with negativity.
Meditation: Find yourself in the stillness, meditating enriches your well-being by making your mind and body connected.
Exercise: Commute is the word to develop in our lifestyle, throw the body into motion. Take squat breaks at work. Use steps than the elevator, Keep juggling.
Building these habits overnight does not work, it needs consistency, regularity, to see more progress in life. Start practicing by one habit and gradually increase.
Call to Action: Day-4: Self-investment is everything:
The wisest people don`t spend their 'Time and Money'--- they invest it.
We have four choices with Time and Money. Are we using, wasting, spending, investing it?
Two areas that can make wise choices for yourselves. Wise people invest their time and money in the growth and development of self.
How to Invest Time.
Develop a set schedule and honor it. If it`s not in your calendar, it`s not worth your time.
Dedicate yourself to growth. Make room for podcasts, meditation, and self-work. this your sacred time. Powerful people invest in habits like reading, writing, exploring new things, health, wealth, etc. Schedule the plans wisely every day to avoid time lag.
How to Invest Money.
Spend money on things that will create long-term return and value.
Invest in things that elevate your physical and emotional well-being, like personal coaching, courses, yoga, therapy, etc. Your health is the most priceless thing you possess.
Invest your money for your own well-being that gives deep-rooted goals and prosperity.
Call to Action: Day-5: 3 Habits of Successful People
Success may be a complex process, but it is not an impossible task to achieve. It is a proven theory by many people around the world. In fact, success is something that can count naturally by achieving the goals that you set earlier.
Example: If I set a goal to lose a weight of 12 kilos within 90 days. And I met the goal within the stipulated time, I am successful.
The happiest, most successful people in the world deeply understand a few, life-deciding things.
Invest in themselves fully. Self-belief empowers all ambition.
They seek Help. Having a good mentor is everything.
Seek Community. You become what you surround yourself with. Energies are contagious. Choose carefully. Your environment will become you.
Coaching, Consistency, and Community help get you there, sooner than you realize.
Habits change destinies, before we are too late to change, let us take some action towards change. Let us start investing our Time and Energies into ourselves for being better day by day. Because lifestyle determines destiny.
Hope, you like the thought process and my live experience in writing. If you are looking for wellness write I will be your fit.
Please reach me through my email : newtodigiworld@gmail.com or whats app - 9701446694.